How To Rent RV Space On Your Property?

Are you wondering how to rent RV space on your property? This means allowing individuals to park their recreational vehicles on your land in exchange for a fee. It’s a flexible and potentially lucrative way to make use of your property while helping travellers find a convenient spot to park their RVs.

If you’ve got some extra space on your property and are looking for an additional source of income, learning how to rent RV space on your property can be a fantastic opportunity. Whether you have a spacious backyard, a vacant lot, or even a piece of unused land, you can tap into the growing demand for RV parking and turn it into a side hustle or a full-time business.

Renting RV space on your property can provide a steady stream of income, especially if you’re located in a tourist friendly area or near popular attractions. Many travellers are constantly in search of safe and convenient places to park their RVs, making it a win-win situation for both property owners and RV enthusiasts. This guide will walk you through the essentials of offering RV space for rent, from getting started to creating a positive experience for your renters.

Make the Property a Camper-Friendly Area

Make the Property a Camper-Friendly Area

To attract RV renters, you need to ensure that your property is camper-friendly. This involves making it a welcoming and convenient place for travelers to park their RVs.

Creating Adequate Parking Space

The first step to creating a camper-friendly property is providing enough parking space for RVs. Measure the available area and ensure that it can accommodate various RV sizes. Consider how many RVs you can host simultaneously, and plan your layout accordingly.

Installing Hookups and Amenities

One way to make your property more attractive to RV renters is by offering essential amenities. This includes providing electrical and water hookups, as well as sewer connections. These amenities can significantly enhance the experience for renters and justify higher rental fees.

Providing a Welcoming Atmosphere

Creating a welcoming atmosphere can set your property apart. Think about adding picnic areas, outdoor seating, or even a fire pit. Landscaping and outdoor lighting can also go a long way in making your property feel cozy and inviting.

How Will You Access the Property?

Access to your property is a critical consideration for both you and your renters. It affects security, convenience, and the overall experience of renting RV space.

Entry and Exit Points

Make sure your property has clearly marked entry and exit points. Consider adding a gate or some form of access control to regulate who enters the property. This not only enhances security but also allows you to track and manage incoming renters effectively.

Security Measures

Safety is a top priority when renting out RV space. Install security measures like surveillance cameras or motion-activated lighting to deter theft and vandalism. Additionally, providing a secure feeling for renters will help attract and retain customers.

Access Control for Renters

Determine how renters will access the property. Will you provide them with a code or key, or will you personally assist with entry? Establishing a system that is easy to use while maintaining security is essential.

Can You Rent Out an RV on Private Property?

Before you start renting RV space, it’s crucial to understand the legal aspects and any potential restrictions related to your property.

Understanding Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations can significantly impact your ability to rent RV space on your property. Check with your local zoning department to understand the specific rules in your area. Some zones may have restrictions on property use, including RV rentals.

Dealing with Local Restrictions

In addition to zoning regulations, you may encounter local restrictions or ordinances that limit or regulate RV space rentals. It’s essential to research and understand these rules, as they can vary from one location to another.

Obtaining Necessary Permits and Licences

Depending on your location, you may need permits or licences to legally rent out RV space. Make sure you comply with all the required legalities to avoid any potential issues down the road.

Campground Maintenance

Maintaining your RV space is crucial to keep it attractive to renters and in compliance with local regulations. Regular upkeep ensures a positive experience for both you and your guests.

Regular Cleanups and Upkeep

Regularly clean the area to keep it looking fresh and appealing. This includes picking up litter, mowing the grass, and maintaining any amenities you’ve provided. A clean and well-kept space will earn you positive reviews and repeat business.

Handling Waste Disposal

Proper waste disposal is a must. Ensure that you have a plan for renters to dispose of their waste, whether through a septic system, a designated dumping station, or some other method. A clean and functional waste disposal system is essential for a comfortable stay.

Maintaining Safety Standards

Safety should be a top priority. Regularly inspect the property for potential hazards and address them promptly. This can include fixing uneven terrain, maintaining fire safety, and ensuring electrical hookups are in good working condition.

Renting RV Space on Your Property

Now that you’ve prepared your property, let’s dive deeper into the considerations you should take into account when renting RV space.

Consideration Land Itself

The nature of your land plays a crucial role in how you set up and rent out RV space. Let’s break down the key points to consider.

Assessing the Size and Layout

The size and layout of your land determine how many RVs you can accommodate and how they will be arranged. Assess the available space to determine the optimal layout for parking, hookups, and amenities.

Land Preparation and Levelling

Ensure the land is properly prepared and levelled to provide a stable and comfortable parking area for RVs. Consider investing in gravel or concrete pads to prevent sinking and provide a solid foundation.

Evaluating Terrain and Drainage

Evaluate the terrain to ensure proper drainage and prevent flooding during rainy seasons. Addressing drainage issues proactively can prevent damage to both your property and your guests’ RVs.

Consideration Location of RV Space

The location of your property can significantly impact its desirability to renters. Here are some location-related factors to consider.

Proximity to Attractions

Consider how close your property is to popular attractions, such as national parks, tourist destinations, or major highways. A convenient location can make your property more attractive to RV travellers.

Accessibility and Road Conditions

Ensure that your property is easily accessible, with well-maintained roads leading to it. Poor road conditions can deter potential renters and even damage their RVs.

Privacy and Scenic Views

Some renters may prefer a private and scenic location. If your property offers beautiful views or a secluded setting, highlight these features in your rental listings to attract travellers seeking a unique experience.

Consideration Legality of Renting RV Space

Legal considerations are paramount when renting RV space on your property. Take these important steps to ensure compliance with local laws.

Compliance with Local Laws

Verify that your rental activities align with local laws and regulations, including zoning ordinances and land use restrictions. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues and fines.

HOA and Neighborhood Rules

If your property is part of a homeowners’ association (HOA) or within a neighborhood with specific rules, ensure that renting RV space is allowed. Violating HOA or neighborhood rules can result in penalties.

Addressing Noise and Nuisance Concerns

Be mindful of potential noise and nuisance concerns from RV renters. Set clear rules and expectations for your renters to maintain a peaceful environment and prevent disturbances to neighbours.

Consideration Insurance

Having the RV right insurance in place is crucial to protect yourself and your renters in case of accidents or unforeseen events.

Liability Coverage

Obtain liability insurance that covers accidents or injuries that may occur on your property. This can protect you from legal and financial liabilities.

Damage Protection

Consider insurance options that cover potential damages to RVs or your property. Discuss insurance requirements with your renters to ensure everyone is adequately protected.

Insurance Requirements for Renters

Depending on your location and the nature of your rental, you may want to establish insurance requirements for renters. This ensures that renters have their own coverage in place, providing an added layer of protection.

Communicating Insurance Expectations

Clearly communicate your insurance expectations to renters. Ask for proof of insurance, such as RV insurance policies or personal liability coverage.

Enforcing Insurance Requirements

Make sure you have a system in place to enforce insurance requirements. For example, renters may need to provide insurance information before confirming their reservation.

Consideration Use an RV Rental Agency

Partnering with an RV rental agency can simplify the rental process and help you reach a broader audience.

Partnering with Established Platforms

Consider partnering with established RV rental platforms like Outdoorsy, RVshare, or local agencies that specialize in RV rentals. These platforms can help market your space and handle bookings.

Marketing and Booking Assistance

An RV rental agency can assist with marketing your space, attracting potential renters, and handling booking logistics. They often have experience in the industry and can provide valuable support.

Streamlining Rental Management

Rental agencies can streamline the rental management process, including handling payments, contracts, and communication with renters. This can save you time and make the rental process more efficient.

By following these guidelines and considerations, you can successfully rent RV space on your property while ensuring a positive experience for both you and your renters. Whether you’re looking to generate extra income or offer a unique RV parking experience, the key is careful planning and attention to detail.


What is RV space rental?

RV space rental involves allowing individuals to park their recreational vehicles on your property in exchange for a fee.

How can I make my property camper-friendly?

To make your property camper-friendly, create ample parking space, install hookups and amenities, and provide a welcoming atmosphere.

What legal considerations should I be aware of?

Check local zoning regulations, address local restrictions, and obtain necessary permits and licenses to ensure legal compliance.

What insurance do I need for RV space rental?

You should have liability coverage and consider insurance options for potential damages to RVs or your property.

Is partnering with an RV rental agency beneficial?

Yes, partnering with established platforms or rental agencies can simplify marketing, bookings, and rental management, reaching a broader audience.


In the world of renting RV space on your property, being prepared is the key to success. From making your property inviting and secure to navigating the legalities and insurance needs, every detail matters. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can embark on a rewarding journey of hosting RV travellers. 

In your quest to provide a pleasant experience for RV renters, consider location, accessibility, and privacy. Ensure that you’re aware of the laws that govern your property and neighbourhood, and protect yourself and your guests with the right insurance. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to explore partnerships with RV rental agencies to streamline the process.

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