Can You Live Full Time In A Seasonal Campground? Exploring The Possibilities

Living in a seasonal campground might seem like a far-fetched idea for some, but for many outdoor enthusiasts, it’s a dream come true. Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of birds chirping, surrounded by lush greenery and fresh air. 

It’s a lifestyle that promises a sense of freedom, simplicity, and a deep connection with nature. The question remains: can you live full-time in a seasonal campground? Seasonal campgrounds are typically designed for short-term stays, catering to those seeking a temporary escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. 

They offer a chance to unwind, engage in outdoor hobbies like hiking and fishing, and create cherished memories around the campfire. While their primary purpose is to provide a temporary retreat, some adventurous souls have embraced the idea of making these campgrounds their permanent homes.

Most Campgrounds Aren’t Equipped For Full-Time Residency

Most Campgrounds Aren't Equipped For Full-Time Residency

It’s important to understand that the majority of seasonal campgrounds lack the necessary infrastructure and amenities to accommodate full-time residents. These campgrounds are designed for summer camping, fall camping, or other seasonal stays, with the expectation that campers will eventually pack up and leave.

One of the primary challenges is the lack of essential services. Most seasonal campgrounds do not have access to city water, sewer systems, or other utilities that are crucial for comfortable long-term living. 

Campers may have to rely on their RV’s water tanks, generators, and holding tanks, which can quickly become a logistical nightmare. Furthermore, these campgrounds often have limited amenities, such as basic restrooms and showers, which may not be suitable for permanent residency

Campsites are typically close together, offering little personal space or privacy from neighboring campers. Noise levels can also be a concern, as campgrounds are designed for temporary recreation rather than constant occupancy.

Read More : Tips For Setting Up A Seasonal Campsite

Some Campgrounds Allow Year-Round Camping

While the majority of seasonal campgrounds are not equipped for full-time living, there are exceptions. Some campgrounds have recognized the growing demand for alternative lifestyles and have adapted to accommodate year-round living and long-term stays.

These campgrounds often offer more permanent facilities, such as full hookups for water, electricity, and sewage. They may also feature shower houses, laundry facilities, and other amenities that make extended stays more comfortable. 

Some campgrounds offer campground memberships or annual leases, allowing campers to secure a spot for an extended period.

Even these campgrounds may have restrictions or limitations. For example, they might limit the maximum stay duration to six months out of the year or require campers to vacate the premises for a certain period before returning.

Case Study: Thousand Trails Campgrounds Thousand Trails is a notable example of a campground network that caters to full-time RVers and seasonal residents. 

With over 80 campgrounds across the United States and Canada, they offer a variety of amenities, including full hookups, pools, and recreational facilities. Members can enjoy extended stays and even transfer between different campgrounds throughout the year.

Challenges Of Living Full-Time In A Campground

Challenges Of Living Full-Time In A Campground

While the idea of living full-time in a seasonal campground may sound idyllic, it’s important to consider the potential challenges and adjustments required. Even campgrounds designed for year-round living present unique obstacles that must be addressed.

  1. Lack of Privacy and Personal Space: Campsites are typically in close proximity to one another, which can lead to noise levels and disturbances from neighboring campers. Finding a sense of privacy and personal space can be a challenge in a communal setting.
  2. Limited Storage Space: Living in an RV or camping setup often means downsizing and embracing a minimalist living approach. Decluttering and living with fewer possessions is a necessity, which can be a significant adjustment for some.
  3. Weather Extremes: Depending on the location of the campground, residents may have to contend with temperature extremes, high winds, and other climate considerations. Preparing for seasonal conditions and adapting to the outdoor lifestyle can be demanding, both physically and mentally.
  4. Potential Isolation: While some campgrounds offer a sense of community, others may be more isolated, making it challenging to access nearby amenities, resources, or social opportunities.
  5. Financial Considerations: While campground living is often touted as a low-cost and budget-friendly option, ongoing fees, maintenance costs, and the potential need for a reliable source of income or financial flexibility must be factored in.

Do This Before Committing To Live Full-Time In A Campground

Before embarking on the journey of full-time campsite dwelling, it’s crucial to take the following steps to ensure a smooth transition and a well-informed decision:

  1. Research and Compare Campgrounds: Thoroughly research and compare different campgrounds that allow year-round living. Look for those that align with your specific needs and preferences, such as location, amenities, and community atmosphere.
  2. Speak with Current Residents: Reach out to current full-time residents of the campgrounds you’re considering. Ask about their experiences, challenges, and insights into the realities of this lifestyle.
  3. Create a Budget: Carefully review and create a budget that accounts for all potential expenses, including campground fees, utilities, maintenance costs, and any additional living expenses.
  4. Consider Income Sources: If you plan to work while living in a campground, explore remote work opportunities or alternative income sources that align with this lifestyle.
  5. Prepare for Adaptations: Be mentally and emotionally prepared to adapt to the challenges of campground living, such as downsizing, dealing with limited space and resources, and adjusting to the outdoor lifestyle.
  6. Visit and Experience: If possible, consider taking a trial run by staying at the campground for an extended period before committing to full-time residency. This will give you a better understanding of what to expect and whether it aligns with your expectations.

Living full-time in a seasonal campground is certainly a unique and rewarding experience for those who embrace the camping lifestyle and the beauty of nature recreation

While it presents challenges and adjustments, it also offers a sense of freedom, simplicity, and a connection with the great outdoors that many find invaluable.


Can you live at a campground year around?

It depends on the campground’s policies and local regulations, but many campgrounds have restrictions on year-round living.

How long can I stay on a campsite?

 Stay durations vary by location, but most campgrounds limit stays to 14-28 days, especially during peak seasons.

Can you live permanently in an RV in Canada?

Permanent RV living in Canada is possible but requires adherence to local zoning laws and finding RV-friendly communities.

How long can you live in a camper in New York state?

New York state parks typically limit camping to a maximum of 14 days, though some private campgrounds may have different policies.

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